There have been so many books and things about problem-solving that we figure most problems are already solved. So we need more problems to keep all those expert problem solvers busy.
Ken Rutkowski raised this question to his Connected group. Take two gedanken models from biology: cross breeding and adaptive radiation.
Cross breeding is the quickest idea source. What do you get when you cross an Ipod with---
A cellphone. You get an audio player that suspends (and keeps your place) when you get a call or IM. Automatically downloads your voice-mail and puts it into your playlist. Similarly downloads your e-mail in audio format via text-to-speech. And offers you a new delivery path for audio content. Probably too expensive for a podcast, but just what you want for info about weather and traffic, covering just the route you have specified. Maybe also well-targeted audio news related to your business, stocks, etc. And not very expensive if you accept targeted ads.
A PDA. That's obvious, but maybe the question is what do you get if you don't cross an Ipod with a PDA (and a phone)? My guess is a big inventory of PDAs.
A Lexus. You get a great audio system that immediately picks up (Bluetooth) the content you were listening to. And when you get out, the Ipod transfers output back to your ear. You and never miss a stammer on the podcast. (Notice how Podcasting changed the importance of continuity.)
A Wi-Fi net. You get a networked disk that appears on any available network. You use it to take your old Elvis music to the party. (Added benefit: drives the RIAA crazy. If they haven’t already gotten there.) You use it for backup and to take current work with you.
A digital camera. You get a convenient 60 gig hard drive to hold your pictures. You go on a trip and maybe you don't have broadband at Motel 6. Or maybe you go to Yellowstone and fill up your camera by noon. A familiy of 3 is carrying 180 gigs. Some of it is essential music, but it is backed up on the home computer. At Grandma's house you will need some space to download her Bing Crosby files. (Downloaded files are easier to get rid of than her fruitcake.)
A medallion (any style: Nokia, Adama, Olympic). You get another way to carry the thing, It can show pictures of your kids, play your personal theme music, or try out pick-up lines. Maybe the next thing in wearable computers. Fashion statement for the Geeks. Use a little Velcro on the back to attach it to your clothes.
A DVD player. You get another way to occupy the kids. Will any adults watch video on the tiny screen? I mean, besides porno. Maybe you also get a market for those virtual reality goggles. They could look like the Geordie’s visor (ST:TNG) Probably makes the kids car sick, but keeps them quiet.
No doubt you can think of more possibilities. And so can Apple, Creative, HP, and Dell. Keep in touch with Engaget for the latest hybrids.